王珑澔,四川美术学院油画专业,艺术学士,在大学学习期间六次获得学院一等奖学金和优秀学生荣誉称号,2009获得“中国艺术家百杰”荣誉,四川画院特聘画师,中国书画学术委员会委员,2011年入选中国国家博物馆“艺术之光”并获得全国二等奖,“精神艺术”艺术沙龙创始人。 参展经历 2007年 四川美术学院大学生素描展优秀奖作品选登在专业画册 (重庆---四川美术学院) 2007年 四川美术学院大学生素描展《妇女》作品被学院收藏(重庆---四川美术学院) 2007年至今 二十件作品入选艺术数据网上画廊(四川美术学院艺术数据网) 2007年至今 三十件作品入选英国萨奇艺术网上画廊艺术品展出,部分作品先后由国内外艺术馆和收藏家收藏(英国--萨奇艺术网) 2008年 参加四川美术学院写生展,作品《里面外面》系列5件在美术馆展出(重庆美术馆---重庆) 2009年 作品入选《13届四川美术学院年展》并获三等奖(重庆美术馆---重庆) 2009年 作品入选《印象中国》 (天津人民美术出版社) 2009年 作品入选中国首届抽象艺术展 (蓝天艺术馆---北京) 2009年 作品入选《我们2009——黄桷坪年度艺术展》 (108艺术空间---重庆) 2009年 作品入选《四川美术学院全国美展选拔展》 (重庆美术馆---重庆) 2009年 作品入选《全国美展重庆送选作品展》 (重庆美术馆---重庆) 2009年 作品入选《108艺术空间秋季展》 (108艺术空间---重庆) 2009年 获选《2009全国书画百杰艺术家》 (人民网---北京) 2009年 入编《2009中国书法美术人物年鉴》艺术名人年鉴 (上海---美术出版) 2009年 作品参加《非--架上艺术邀请展》(108艺术空间---重庆) 2010年 作品入选《14届四川美术学院年展》(坦克库艺术基地---重庆) 2010年 作品入选《 四川美术学院校庆展》(108艺术空间和501艺术空间---重庆) 2010年 作品入选《四川美术学院毕业油画创作展》(重庆美术馆B馆---重庆) 2010年 作品入选《我们2010——黄桷坪年度艺术展》 (黄桷坪美术馆---重庆) 2011年 作品入选《2011年重庆黄桷坪第三届艺术展》 (重庆---黄桷坪艺术区) 2011年 作品入选《2011年重庆历程艺术展》 (重庆--涪陵区博物馆) 2011年 作品入选《2011年重庆美术作品展》 (重庆---重庆市美术馆) 2011年 作品入选并获得全国《艺术之光》二等奖 (北京--中国国家博物馆) 2011年 作品入选《2011年重庆青年美术作品双年展》 (重庆) 王珑澔艺术观 画家通过对精神心理和四维空间思想视觉艺术探索和个人独特的精神化艺术风格语言在作品中表达艺术家本人对精神视觉现象以及对人性,自然,生死,社会和环境的关注,思考中国文化和世界艺术新思想和新形式, 在后现代主义国际的语境中发掘中国文化艺术和世界文化的新精神、新生命、新形态,新观念. 画家作为艺术创作的主体,生活在不同的历时时代、必然受到时间、空间、地域环境,自身等因素的影响而形成艺术家的艺术思想精神反映和个人化的艺术创造风格,由此产生不同的艺术精神和思想,哲学理念和审美取向。 后现代艺术精神似乎成为人的最好的创造方式或逃避现实方式,成为现代人的选择方式和存在方式。当代艺术成为一种生命与现实的抗争,是人生的表达和吁求,而那种将后现代艺术视为反叛社会的“怪兽”,是不客观的和愚蠢的。后现代艺术精神就是要力图给沉沦于科技文明造成的生存环境日益恶化的非人性化境遇中的人们带来震颤,安慰在异化现象日趋严重的客观世界中吟痛的灵魂,叩问有限生命如何寻得自身的生存价值意义?因为正如柏拉图所说:唯有艺术才能救护正在不断失落的人类感性诗意化生命。 后现代艺术不懈求新求异求变,通过艺术以其感悟生命所带来精神理想,这就是后现代艺术中传达出的当代人的艺术精神。总体上看,每一种文化都有自己的遗基因。“人的生命意义就在于追问个体存在的精神”,人类用艺术感性方式进入对精神追求的表达,这种感性的审美方式区别于其他如哲学、宗教的精神追求方式。 当代艺术精神是对现实世界所提出的问题的一种感性的表现,使人在精神和现实穿行于两个时空,达到人格心灵的净化和安慰。当代艺术精神是对现实的权力加以反抗,希望摆脱压制人性自由的意识形态和现实秩序,以精神自由的反抗和发展新艺术技巧形式表现来否定强权和艺术沦为强权者的奴仆,为人类精神开拓出一片自由的新天地,拒绝现实强加于自己的法则和理式,坚持自己对生命和客观世界的理解。 王珑澔油画艺术创作实践 1:艺术创作实践中探索适合于自己特点的风格,不断的思考解决一些问题,在创作过程中边画边想,不断地画,不断地思考,随时调整自己的想法,随时补充一些新的设想,根据一个形体,或者一块颜色,启发创造另外一块色彩或者一个更有意思的形体,不断的充实和丰富画面和表现自己的创作思想。 2:创作前先想好了基本的创作方案,然后形体色彩搭配基本上符合我的创作构思,我认为创作过程比创作结果更为重要,创作思想首先要打动自己才能上升到精神层面,不要为名为利违心地画一些东西. 3:在艺术创作中有意识地从民族文化中吸收营养,学习外来文明和吸收推动传统艺术当代化,从国外艺术中吸取色彩表现风格和画面装饰性的表现手法。色彩上用较淡的、弱的对比,强调画面构成感,吸收中国画表现手法和中国画写意的抽象元素和对形的认识与处理方法,下笔时候胸有成竹,每放一笔,是笔墨同时也是形的一部分,结合油画的色彩造型创作出有民族文化元素的油画作品. 4:认真地推敲创作素描草图,色彩构成,画面的构图安排,正负空间处理,黑白关系都考虑成熟,具象写实和抽象表现手法相结合,关注形、体积塑造、色彩调配、边缘线处理、质感透视、解剖、层次问题和韵律、节奏等,在绘制过程中力求将创作思想和情感表达出来,让人体会到一种隐藏在作品里的艺术创作思想和精神以及来自东方文化的艺术修养,追求整体风格呈现出“精神性”的审美表现。 5:绘画语言需根据自己的世界观和审美观通过色彩、线条、面、明暗来表现,充分表现出自己的绘画风格和艺术的民族文化精神内涵,忠于自己的绘画理想和审美理想是非常重要的 王珑澔油画艺术创作指导思想 在文艺创作方面,勇于钻研和创新,通过社会实践,将所学专业知识应用于艺术创作实践中,阅读和研究美术理论及艺术史和国内外文化艺术知识,参加大量学术讲座和艺术交流,了解国内外艺术发展的动态;在艺术创作和认知方面,具备了敏锐的洞察力、独立的思考判断能力,画家创作的当代艺术作品多次参加国内外和省市美术馆及高等院校艺术展览并获得几十奖项,许多作品被美术馆和私人收藏家收藏,个人艺术思想和原创油画素描作品被上千家媒体和网站收录转载和发表(在百度搜索输入:王珑澔即可以更加全面了解画家的艺术人生),有部分作品被许多国内外著名艺术报刊杂志登载发表,一些艺术评论家对我的艺术思想和作品发表了专题评论文章,画家的创作背景都是我们亲身经历过的事情,具有很强的时代感和现实意义。 Artist resume WangLong f. h., sichuan fine arts institute in oil, art bachelor's degree, in during college six times get college first-class scholarship and good reputation, and 2009 students from the Chinese artist jie honor, sichuan academy of Chinese painting and calligraphy institute, visiting the academic committee, "spirit art" art salon founder Exhibition experience 2007 sichuan fine arts institute sketch show works excellent interiors, college students in professional album (sichuan fine arts institute) 2007 sichuan fine arts institute sketch show the women of college students by college works collection (sichuan fine arts institute) 2007 years has 20 pieces of art gallery in data online (art data networks) So far in 2007 30 pieces of art gallery in British saki displayed, and online art works including part by domestic and foreign art museum and collectors (saki art network) In 2008 in sichuan fine arts institute the sketch show, the work "the inside and the outside in a series of five fine art gallery (chongqing art gallery-chongqing) 2009 years was the 2009 works in Chinese artists yearbook (Beijing) 2009 was the work of 13 sichuan fine arts institute show "and won the third prize (chongqing art gallery-chongqing) 2009 was the works of art magazine impression China () In 2009 the first abstract art works in China (blue sky museum-Beijing) 2009 was the works we 2009-yellow Jue ping annual exhibition "(108 art space-chongqing) 2009 work was the sichuan fine arts institute national arts exhibition selection of chongqing art gallery exhibition (chongqing) 2009 was the work of Chinese national arts exhibition chongqing exhibition (chongqing art gallery-chongqing) 2009 years was the 108 works of art space autumn festival "(108 art space-chongqing) In 2009, was elected to the 2009 national painting and calligraphy artist of jie (PRC-Beijing) 2009 years in the works of art invitational exhibition shelf-" (108 art space-chongqing) 2010 was the work 14 th sichuan fine arts exhibition "(tank library art base-chongqing) 2010 work was the sichuan fine arts institute anniversary exhibition "(108 art space and the 501 art space-chongqing) 2010 work was the sichuan fine arts institute graduate oil painting exhibition "(chongqing art gallery B hall-chongqing) 2010 was the works we 2010-yellow Jue ping annual exhibition "(yellow Jue ping art gallery-chongqing) 2011 was the work in 2011 Jue chongqing huang ping of the third session of the art exhibition "(chongqing huang Jue ping art district) 2011 years was the 2011 works of chongqing fuling art "(chongqing fuling museum) 2011 years was the 2011 works fine arts exhibition "chongqing (chongqing art gallery) His works were in 2011 and the second prize for the light of XX "(Chinese country museum) WangLong slant, f. h. Artists through to the mental and four dimensional space exploration and visual art thought unique personal artistic style in the spiritual language works to express my spirit visual artists and human nature, natural phenomenon of life and death, society and environment, the attention of thinking, Chinese culture and art world, new ideas and new form, in the modern socialist international in the context of Chinese culture and art world and explore the new spirit of culture, new life, new form, new idea. The artist as art the main body of creation and live in different times, and it will be over by time, space, the regional environment, own the influence of such factors and the formation of the artist's artistic ideas and the individual spirit reflects the creation of art style, thus produce different art spirit and philosophy thoughts, and aesthetic orientation. Postmodern art spirit appears to be the best way of creating or escape from reality, the choice of a modern way way and existing way.Contemporary art into a struggle with life and reality, is the expression of life and calls, and that kind of postmodern art as rebel society will be the "monster", is not the objective and stupid.Postmodern art spirit is to try to give destruction caused by technology and civilization in the living environment worsening the humanized situations people bring tremors, comfort in the alienation of the objective world becomes more and more serious in the soul of the inquiry, said the pain, how to find their own life survival value of significance?Because as Plato says, only art to rescue are constantly lost human perceptual poetic life. Post-modern art unremitting innovation to ask, through the art to change with its comprehension from life ideal, this is the spirit of postmodern art expressed in the contemporary people's artistic spirit.On the whole, every culture has its own testament genes.“The meaning of life is to ask individual being spirit", with human art sensibility to the way into the pursuit of spirit, this kind of perceptual expression of aesthetic way different from other, such as philosophy, religious spirit pursuit mode. Contemporary art spirit to the real world is a question raised by a kind of perceptual expression, make the person is in spirit and reality through in time and space, and two to the purification of the soul and comfort personality.Contemporary art is the power of the spirit of reality to resist, hoping to get rid of the repression of the ideology of the human freedom and reality in order, of spiritual freedom resistance and the development of new art form to negative power and art into the willful slaves to the human spirit, develop a new kind of freedom, refused to impose its own laws reality and Richard type, upholding its own life and the objective world understanding. WangLong f. h. oil painting art creation practice thought 1: art creation practice to explore the characteristics of the appropriate to oneself style, constantly thinking to solve some problems in the course of creation, draw and want to continuously, painting, continuous thinking, adjust his idea, at any time added some new ideas, according to a form, or a piece of color, create another piece of color inspired or a more interesting form, and the constant full, rich picture and the performance of creative thought. 2: creative thought the good basic before the creation of the project, then form colour collocation basically accord with my creation idea, I think the creation process is more important than the creation, creative thinking to impress his first to rise to mental level, not for profit under against his will draw some things. 3: in artistic creation consciously from the national culture of absorption of nutrients, learning foreign civilization and absorption promoting contemporary art from the traditional, learn foreign art colour performance style and pictures of adornment sex expression skill.The color is light, weak with the contrast of images, emphasize a feeling, absorption and Chinese painting freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting expression of the abstract elements to form and understanding and treatment methods, when writing, each put a heart, is painting is also part of the form, combined with the color of the oil painting modelling to create a national cultural elements of the oil works. 4: seriously weighing the sketch, color composition writing sketch, picture composition arrangement, positive and negative space processing, black and white and relationships are considered mature, concrete and abstract expression realistic combination, pay attention to the form, volume, the color allocate, shaping edge line processing, simple sense perspective, anatomy, hierarchical and rhythm, rhythm and so on, to draw in the process of creative thought and emotion to express, let a person experience to a hidden in the works of art creation thought and spirit from the Oriental culture and artistic accomplishment, the pursuit of integral style presenting a "spiritual" aesthetic performance. 5: painting language should be based on his view of the world and aesthetic view through the colour, line, face, light and shade to performance, fully show his own painting styles and artistic national culture spirit connotation, loyal to his own painting ideal and aesthetic ideal is very important。